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Educational institutions worldwide are eligible to apply for membership of CODE and so benefit from the services offered to improve the quality of education.

The services included in the annual quota are:

* Annual certification of membership of CODE.

* Optional use of the CODE logo on your website as an associate centre.

* Participation in the scholarship scheme for students in developing countries.

* Channelling of proposals to the Economic and Social Council of United Nations.

* Electronic Newsletter listing highlights of the work of UN and UNESCO in education.

* Quality assessment audit service for distance taught programmes.

To apply for membership of CODE, please complete the accompanying application form and send it by e-mail (info@intcode.org). Official state authorisation of distance taught courses is a pre-requisite for membership. Centres that do not have academic authorisation for each of their courses in each of the countries they operate will not be eligible for membership.


* Universities and other graduate and postgraduate centres: €500.-euros.

* High Schools: €250.-euros.

* Professional and Further Education Centres: €250.-euros.

* Non-formal education centres: €200.-euros.

* Individual members: €45.-euros.

Payment of the quota can be made by bank transfer in EUROS.

There is a 50% discount on these annual quotas for educational centres in underdeveloped or developing countries (Níger, Sierra Leona, Malí, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Rep. Centroafricana, Chad, Etiopía, Burundi, Mozambique, Congo, Malawi, Zambia, Costa de Marfil, Benin, Tanzania, Angola, Guinea, Nigeria, Ruanda, Eritrea, Senegal, Gambia, Haití, Mauritania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Djibuti, Togo, Swazilandia, Uganda, Camerún, Madagascar, Timor-Leste, Sudán, Congo, Papúa-Nueva Guine, Nepal, Blangadesh, Ghana, Bután, Pakistán, Laos, Comoras, Botswana, Myanmar, Camboya, Islas Salomón, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, India, Namibia, Gabón, Tayikistán, Sudáfrica, Guinea Ecuatorial, Vanuatu, Guatemala, Honduras, Mongolia, Bolivia, Moldavia, Uzbekistán, Nicaragua, Egipto, Kirguizistán, Vietnam, Indonesia, Siria, Cabo Verde, Turkmenistán, Jamaica, Guyana, Argelia, El Salvador, Territorios Ocupados Palestinos, Azerbaiyán, Maldivas, Georgia, Rep. Dominicana, Sri. Lanka, Paraguay, Suriname, Jordania, Ecuador, Perú, Armenia, Kazajstán, Líbano, Ucrania, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil).

International Comission on Distance Education
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